June: Birthstone for June is Pearl and Moonstone. While the Birth Star or Zodiac stone for Cancer June 22-July 22 is the Emerald or Emerald. Moonstone is a beautiful stone with radiant color of moonlight. Stone is synonymous with the word romantic. Pearls are organic gemstones derived from shellfish. Its light was gorgeous too, became a symbol of luxury women.
July: Birthstone for July is Ruby gem stones. Star birth or Zodiac Leo July 23 to August 23 is the Onyx stone. It is also called "King of Gemstones" Ruby is red corundum jewels with diamonds below the level of violence. Luster color red is able to attract the eyes of the people around.
August: Birthstone for August is Peridot. While the rock star or the birth stone for the Zodiac Virgo August 24 to September 22 is Carnelian Agate. Peridot with gorgeous green lights are also referred to as the "Olivine". This stone has been used for thousands of years by the nobles as jewelry.
Setember Month: Birthstone for September is Sapphire / Sapphire. Stars born or Zodiac stone for Libra September 23 to October 23 is the Chrysolite. Sapphire is a mineral corundum except red. This stone is so glossy that it becomes one of the top grade gemstones that are sought after by collectors stones. The sapphire is also most suitable as an investment because of the interest on this type of stone.
The month of October: Birthstone for the month of October is Opal and Tourmaline Stones Honor. Star or Zodiac stone for Scorpio born October 24 to November 22 is the precious stone Beryl. Opal stone or in Indonesia is often referred to as the 'Kalimaya' is a unique precious stone with amazing color game. This stone is like life because menmpilkan exceptional color. Tourmalin stone is a beautiful sparkling crystal jewels. Found in many African countries.
November: Birthstone for November is Topaz and Citrine. While the birth of Rock Star or Zodiac stone for Sagittarius November 23 to December 21 is Citrine or Yellow Quartz stone. Topaz stone has a beauty and luster are charming, with colors ranging from yellow, collorless, to royal blue. Topaz stone with naturally beautiful colors are very difficult to find in nature. Most Topaz cheaply on the market has been through the process of treatment or discoloration. Citrine stone or commonly referred to as yellow amethyst are also very rare. Citrin Most on the market are quartz stones are heated so it becomes yellow.
December: Birthstone for December is turquoise stones or Turquoise and Tanzanite. While Stone Birth Star or Zodiac stone for Capricorn December 22-January 20 Ruby is a precious stone. Turquoise stone is semi-precious stones with motifs of stone color is very pretty. Usually blue and green stones. This stone is believed to bring good luck or hockey, and happy life. Tanzanite is the mineral crystal with a force which is so hard about 6 Mohs scale, but it has a very beautiful rays. Tanzanite stone colors ranging from blue to violet. Because the stone is very soft as gemstones, it should use caution.
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